Intuitive Way for Eating — Rachel Molenda | Sacred DJ & Creator of REUNION Dance Party

Experience wellness without obsession and
get your freaking life back.


What Makes The Intuitive Way for Eating Different?

The Intuitive Way For Eating addresses the *one thing* no other healthy living program is talking about:

Why you’re obsessed with health, food and your weight to begin with.

Over a 4 month period, we’ll uncover how your early life experiences have influenced the way you feel about your body today, and use intuitive eating principles & mindset coaching tools to show you how to experience wellness without obsession and ultimately, get your freaking life back.


After The Intuitive Way For Eating, you will be able to:

 Navigate unsolicited comments made about your body & eating habits

 Listen to and honour your bodily cues

 Differentiate between emotional hunger and physical hunger

 Engage with "junk food" without binging on it

 Coach yourself through challenging body image days

 Make intuitive food decisions that honour both health & pleasure

Before & After

This could be you in just 4 months …

Intuitive way for eating

This coaching program is for you if ...

  • You want to enjoy food without the guilt.

  • You care about your health, but you don’t want food-related thoughts to consume your mind.

  • You struggle to follow a plan and often end up overeating or binge-eating.

  • You want to feel confident in your body and stop letting it hold you back from living your life.

  • You want to know your self-worth outside of what your body looks like, what you eat and what you achieve.

  • You are yearning for more in life, but aren’t sure where to start.


Hi, I’m Rachel,
Intuitive Eating and Body Image Coach

I, too, used to be health-obsessed and felt far from a picture of health.

I felt guilty for putting a banana in my smoothie, I was militant with my [over]exercise routine and would hop from “healthy lifestyle” plans only to find myself feeling like a failure and starting fresh every single week.

It finally hit me one day that my obsession with being healthy was harming me, rather than helping me.

So, I found a new way. I found The Intuitive Way for Eating.


what you'll learn

The Curriculum

Each lesson is accompanied by a Video Lesson and a Workbook with Reflection Exercises.

module 1:

Break Up With The Diet Mentality

Discover the truth about dieting, including: the roots of diet culture, why dieting & restriction does more physiological & psychological harm than good and the real reason you’re so obsessed with health & what your body looks like to begin with.

module 2:

Learn How to Listen to Your Hunger Cues

Are you a clock eater? Feel like you can only eat at set meal times, and not eat past 8pm? This session will teach you how to listen to your unique hunger and fullness cues, and why honouring them will actually make you obsess less about food.

module 3:

Make Peace With Your “Scary Foods”

Is there a food you’re terrified to be in the same room with? The chips, chocolate or ice cream? This session, you’ll learn why you feel so out of control when around these foods and how to both introduce them into your life and enjoy them free of guilt.

module 4:

Respect Your Body + Move Intuitively

You can’t hate yourself into a version of yourself that you love. This session, we’ll explore non-fluff strategies to work towards body neutrality and body respect and discover what enjoyable, intuitive movement looks like for you.

module 5:

Shifting The Focus Away From Weight

Discover the surprising truth about weight, including the Health At Every Size philosophy and set point weight theory. This session will shine a light on how much weight is not a true determinant of health, and what you can focus on instead.

module 6:

Gentle Nutrition 

Learn how to welcome nutrition back into your life without falling down the diet rabbit hole again. You will walk away knowing how to make intentional food decisions that honour your health and your happiness.




Will Intuitive Eating make me unhealthy or cause damage to my body?

Heck, no!

Intuitive Eating is proven in clinical studies to actually improve health, including psychological health, physical health (i.e. blood pressure and cholesterol) and health behaviours.


How To Get Started

Submit an application to be considered for the program.

If your application has been accepted and you’ve been deemed a good fit for the program, one of our team members will be in touch to complete your registration.

The program will begin at the start date listed below.

We will meet weekly for 3 weeks, then have a week off. The program will run over the course of 4 months.

In between those sessions, you will be supported in between our sessions together with Video Lessons, Workbooks & Reflection Exercises and coaching support within our private online community.


Curious what intuitive eating & body image coaching looks like?

Get a taste of it in The Intuitive Way For Eating Experiential Workshop


Say hello to *you*, 4 months from now ...

This could soon be your reality.

your relationship
with food

You’re able to go out for dinner without dissecting the menu beforehand to determine if it has your “safe foods”. You have a handful of chips, then walk away without feeling like you “ruined the day”. You’re able to leave food on your plate because you’re genuinely full.

Food is effortless & enjoyable.

your relationship
your body

You’ll look in the mirror, and despite whether you like what you see or not, you’ll continue to treat your body with the same respect. You wear clothes that make you feel comfortable and cute. You genuinely enjoy moving your body and it no longer feels like an obligation.

Your body is, at last, your friend.


You came into this program thinking you had a “food problem” only to discover, at the root of it, was a “not-living-true-to-you” problem. You now live your life more unapologetically. You honour your needs. You say “no” instead of a people pleasing “sure”. You are the most authentic, self-expressed version of you.

You’ve finally come home to you.


experience food freedom – without the guilt

“I feel so many shifts happening! In past years, I wouldn’t even think about having a donut if someone offered it. But the other day, I ate my yummy lunch I packed, then had the donut and enjoyed every bit of it. Usually when I eat “bad food”, I tell myself ‘Okay, now you can’t eat anything else tonight,’ but last night, I felt snackish, had a snack, felt satisfied and moved on. No guilt!” 

— Megan Z.

this is intuitive eating

Intuitive Eating doesn't mean no rules – it means your rules.

A common misperception of intuitive eating is that you’ll eat nothing but donuts and ice cream. The truth is, you’ll eat what your body is intuitively craving. When you do the work to make peace with all foods, that means, it’s possible to crave foods like ice-cream or a salad!


get started with the intuitive way for eating

Could The Intuitive Way for Eating be the solution you’ve been looking for?

If you’re saying “HECK YES!”, here’s how to get started ...

The program is currently in session. Join the waitlist to be one of the first to receive details about enrolment when they become available.

If you are interested in Private 1:1 Food & Body Coaching with Rachel, please email for more information.

a limited amount of spots are available in the program per term.

Once all spots have been filled, registration will be closed.

Frequently Asked Questions


Great question! The “all foods fit” philosophy of intuitive eating might make you think it may not work for you if you have food sensitivities or dietary restrictions. But intuitive eating is actually still a great tool when living with food sensitivities because intuitive eating helps you to respect your body and trust your body, including the cues it gives you. So if you get a really upset stomach when you eat dairy, you’ll have the self-respect for your body to eliminate that food if it means not causing that discomfort to your body. Then, what we would do, is explore substitutions and how to eliminate foods without it feeling restrictive.


The Intuitive Way for Eating is a 4 month program.


It's incredibly important to us that people who feel they need this support can access it. That's why we are happy to offer and extend various payment plans to make it feasile for you. If this is of interest to you, please inquire during your Orientation Call.


Weight loss can be a side effect of intuitive eating, but it is not guaranteed. However, through the program, you will learn how to pursue health habits in a sustainable way that could potentially result in weight loss.


Meal Plans are not provided in the teaching of intuitive eating because it’s not a helpful tool to teach someone how to implement healthy eating habits. Meal Plans can also have a restrictive, obligatory nature to them, which contradicts the intuitive eating philosophy. But rest assured, The Intuitive Way for Eating will help you get to know what foods you love and feel good to you and there are plenty of recipes set up in an intuitive eating-friendly style for you to choose from.


While I’d love to cozy up at a cafe and fill our cups with a yummy drink and great conversation, I’m on a mission to help thousands of women across the globe to break free from chronic dieting and disordered eating, which is why this program is 100% virtual. The consults will take place in a cozy Zoom room.


By the end of the 4 months, you’ll be fully equipped to take on your intuitive eating journey on your own. If you feel you need on-going support in the way of a check-in from time to time, one-off one-on-one sessions are available to Intuitive Way For Eating alumni only.


 Don’t see your question answered on this page?

Meet Your Instructor

Rachel Molenda (@rachelmmolenda) is Toronto-based Intuitive Eating & Body Image Coach and Host of the Fill Your Cup Podcast, on a mission to help women obsess less with food and their body and make both a less stressful experience.

Rachel’s non-restrictive approach to food has helped thousands of women put an end to emotional eating, binge eating and disordered eating and find an effortless and enjoyable healthy way of eating and living unique to them.
